Sailor 250

  • Broadband Data up to 284kbps
  • Streaming IP up to 128kbps
  • Multiple Voice Lines – up to 6
  • Voicemail, caller identification, caller barring and call forwarding
  • Pre and post-paid options for crew calling
  • GSM Voice Calling
  • Easy Installation with small and light antenna
  • 505 Emergency Calling
  • SMS up to 160 characters
  • Supports Group 3 fax.
  • Below Deck Unit with LAN interface and IP Handset
  • Supports email, internet/intranet access, real-time electronic charts and weather reporting
  • Global Coverage except the extreme Poles

  • ADU Dimensions – 276 x 329 (mm)
  • ADU Weight – 4.2kg
  • BDU Dimensions – 273 x 264 x 43 (mm)
  • BDU Weight – 2.5kg
  • Ambient Temperature -  -25°C to +55°C        
  • Durability – IPX6 (ADU), IP31 (BDU